Dear Novas,
With all of your combined efforts, hard work and dedication, NovaAir has reached the milestone of crossing Rs.100 cr revenues during the performance year January- December 2024. We have achieved this landmark in mere 5 years, from November 2019, when we incorporated NovaAir to provide the REAL option to the Indian customers. A BIG heartfelt Thank you to all.
It has been an exhilarating, exciting and challenging journey. The journey was really enjoyable by the awesome team of Novas- with their never say die spirit, innate problem-solving abilities and ‘yes, can do attitude’- Novas have shown the way to make things look simple and efficient. Who could be a better testament of these qualities than over 120 customers and large number of vendors, transporters and business partners? We feel very blessed that many customers have chosen us as their preferred supplier and we very much value this relationship with a sense of gratitude.
We are small but entrepreneurial, we are local but customer centric, we are competitive but non-compromising on quality.
On this day I can enumerate each and every significant event and milestone and also various team members who contributed to each of these milestones but at NovaAir we strongly believe in Team Nova and so I am resisting that temptation as ultimately Novas have done it.
While acknowledging the superlative efforts of all Novas, I feel huge sense indebtedness and gratitude towards the families of Novas, for their constant support, encouragement and good wishes.
We are calling this our 1st Billion on the way too many more billions. India is one of the fastest growing economy, and along with it the industrial gases sector is going to grow dramatically not only in size but in performance expectations and we at NovaAir are fully geared to meet these requirements.
While revenue, profits etc. are the numbers very visible and put us in the league of top IG companies of India, but the indicators that really make us feel good about ourselves are
- zero safety
- highest customer retention
- zero customer disputes
- low attrition rate
- zero stock outs
I can keep adding to these real markers. We all realise that every Nova has to be vigilant to make sure that we continue to perform and further improve from these levels and I am sure that the billions will keep happening.
Thanking you with warm regards